Sabine Ganezer

About the Story
Once upon a teatime...
Revisiting an old classic -- in more ways than one! This concept came about long ago, when I was a child running in a grassy park, coming up with a theatre spectacle to amuse myself and my mom. I thought the idea of a princess in love with a teakettle was just hilarious. Later, for years in our tweens-teens, a friend and I made videos about Princess Margretta's escapades with her plastic teacup. I'd forgotten all about the tale for nearly a decade when it suddenly hit me again during the 2020 quarantine (what, I'd been watching a lot of cartoons, my brain was fried and I was running out of ideas to entertain myself!) So I started drawing on my iPad. The first few characters came out charismatic enough that I kept going, with ideas for side plots squirreling out of my ears along with the eclectic music I was listening to.
This is a story that takes the old fairytale archetypes and the equally ridiculous modern ones and twists them all around until even the evilest of evil step-somethings can't remember where they put the poisoned pudding. It points out that everyone is nutso in their own way -- and sometimes the ones getting ridiculed for wanting to marry inanimate objects are in fact the canniest of the bunch!