Sabine Ganezer

The cell of cans? It -- it cannot be! Also, Bill, what -- what does it mean?
Ugh. Fangbone...

... I'm going... away for a while. Maybe forever. But you'll be ok. You... you'll finish our story for me... right?
I -- will try, Bill. But --

Stay if you can? My strength, it is... it is not always enough to defeat our enemies --
Aaargh -- it -- it has to

--be enough.

Wait, Bill! There are so many stories as yet unenscrolled, so many bloody battles we have not yet fought together! Will I never find out what happened to the toe? Or to Floyd the Floof-Curious?
I don't want to go either. Hold on, maybe we'll figure something out...
Will we never again taste the epic wafflery of Ingrid? What if Cid persists in irking me without you here to hold me back from snapping her delicate thieving bones?

Either way, you gotta stay strong for me. It's like you said -- even if we're in two different worlds, we'll still be battle brothers. Forever.
Bill, I will not let you go --
It's ok, Fangbone.

A barbarian must be strong. A barbarian must not let their face rain, even under the mightiest cloud of pain. But what is this?
He... is really. Gone.
Bill is no more.
Of course!...
There has to be some way... to stop it... the rain...

Almighty Grom, please accept my chest-pump in exchange for my battle brother Bill's safe regurgitation from the Nightlands.
I gave my heart, and it -- it wasn't enough. Oh, Bill, you always knew what to do next, but -- what would your brain-sword do to triumph over this injustice?