Sabine Ganezer
The idea for this cartoon was to take a 4-part (dis)harmony of post-apocalyptic kids and their various issues, dump them in an abandoned building on a deserted planet, and see if they could figure out why their parents abandoned them on a pre-ruined earth and what they were supposed to be doing there -- or whether they even wanted to do it -- before they either tore each other to shreds, or let the monstrous surreality of their superpowers and monsters do that job.
It's one of those sketches I started to process some angry 2020 isolation energy, but so far I haven't continued with it. Maybe someday I will. The main point was to be that when disaster strikes, the most precious resources are one's people: friends, family or found family. (Cats count as people too btw.) The unnatural isolation of the 2020 Covid-19 disaster, while necessary for contagion control, has been one of the most unlivable experiences I have ever had. And with my 13+ years in the public school system still fairly fresh in my mind, that's saying something.
So, without further ado, I give you the pilot sketchisode of...