Sabine Ganezer
More Fashion Designs
September 2020
Pretty in Pink & Black
After finding my ideal prom dress design, I still felt like designing more dresses. I started with these, also for a formal occasion like maybe a dance. On the right, I sought a retro cutesy vibe. On the left, the faux leather, spiky shoulders, and single emo-style glove create an edgier feel.

Windows to the Soul (of Fashion!)
Here, I first created a whole page of stained-glass-looking designs using black curling lines to frame multicolored splashes. Then I scissored up the thing and affixed some of my favorite shards to this dancing dress. Following in Paul Simon's footsteps, I put "diamonds" (or rather, stained glass windows) on the soles of this partygoer's shoes.

I was disappointed that the above dress didn't end up using a lot of the stained glass I'd created for the concept. So, I decided to try a format that would provide more space to showcase more shards. This whole dress is dressed up as an actual stained glass window edifice, from the wrought-iron-resembling lace in the back to the keys hanging from the choker necklace. I guess the shoes don't really match up, though, what with their laid-back hibiscus vibe going on. The pink fluffy bustle-thing in the back may be somewhat translucent (like it is in the rightmost smaller sketch in the lower left corner) to let the motifs show through. Or maybe it shouldn't exist altogether (like how the back of the dress is shown without it in the top left.) I thought it was nice to give the dress a more flowy shape, though.

November 2020

Just a party dress I drew while I was bored. Some of the inspiration comes from grandfather clocks.

February 2021
Just playing around with the concept of the Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland. I've always related to that character, and was trying to imagine a dress that would express my character's femininity and mad-hatter-ness at the same time. Not 100% satisfied with this, but thought the sketch was cool enough to post here.